Finding the Root Cause of a Chronic Illness

By Jessica Nemecz, MA, LCPC, LMHC
CEO, Two Roads Wellness Clinic

My rock bottom…

My rock bottom happened at the rheumatology office in early September of 2022. I was sitting in her office, answering all her questions. I had come prepared with my labs, records in hand, and was hoping to get answers today.

I had severe joint pain to the point where it was hard to open a jar without my hands aching or bend to pick something up without my knees screaming. I had learned to live with the pain and tried not to focus on it or let it get me down. When I really stopped to reflect on my life, I knew I had so much to be grateful for and I had so much that needed my attention, so I didn’t want to think too much about it. Also, being a mental health therapist for 17 years had taught me that suffering was just a part of life, so I tried to do my best to live my life in my current state. Not that I hadn’t tried to get answers along the way. Nobody had answers for me though or I was assured that “everyone has pain” or that what I was going through was “normal”. Unfortunately, I really couldn’t ignore it any longer.

If I could just get to the doctor's office

On the way to the rheumatologists office that day, I had needed to pull over to the side of the road at least 6 times because I was having so much vertigo that the road looked like I was driving on ocean waves and the nausea that went along with it made me feel like I would vomit all over myself. I also felt like I was going to pass out. So I would pull over and cry, pray, and try to tell myself I could do this. I practiced the tapping that I taught my clients when they have anxiety. “I feel sick”. “I feel anxious.” “I’m ok”. “I can do this”. “I’ll get through this.”

If I could just get to the doctor's office, she would give me answers and I could get better. I had a life to get back to, 4 children and a husband that needed their mom and wife to be healthy, and a company to run along with employees and clients that depended on me being my best self so I could provide a livelihood for them or support them in their struggles. I didn’t have time to be sick or struggle and honestly I was annoyed. I just wanted answers so I could get on with it. My body was betraying me. It wasn’t supposed to be this way.

The appointment I had been waiting for…

She looked at my labs and said that my ANA was positive, but the other tests indicated that I didn’t have any conclusive autoimmune disorder. I was dumbfounded. She went on to explain that she thought I had fibromyalgia, that my body was hypersensitive to pain and the pain signals in my brain were confused. Being a part of the healthcare field myself, I felt like she was giving me a label instead of figuring out what was the root cause of my symptoms, so I didn’t accept her diagnosis. Not that I don’t believe fibromyalgia exists. I just didn’t believe it to be the explanation for me.

I asked her what was causing all of my “non pain” related symptoms like the thinning of my optic nerve in my eyes, vertigo, nausea, neuropathy, headaches, hives, rashes, dry mouth, fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, and swelling just to name a few. She looked at me and suggested that maybe I was pregnant. (I was 41 and my youngest was 9 at the time, so that would have been a reach of an explanation for my circumstances).

That was it. That was the moment where I lost all hope and broke down in tears. She looked distraught by my outburst and said she didn’t really know what else she could do to help me, but that I might want to talk to a mental health therapist. I somehow found this comical, being a mental health therapist myself and it was enough to make me switch gears. I felt the need to comfort her and assure her she did her best. I actually felt sorry for her. I was too much for her.

She didn’t have the answers. She couldn’t fix me. I left that appointment feeling hopeless and struggled to get home, but somehow, I did make it back after a couple of hours.

Searching for answers

I shared my experience with my mom, who is the Medical Director at Two Roads Wellness Clinic and Sasha, our Assistant Medical Director. Both of them are AMAZING nurse practitioners with decades of experience and I thought maybe they could help me figure out what the rheumatologist couldn’t. Sasha suggested that we should test me for Lyme Disease. She asked if I was ever bit by a tick. I thought back. I had been bit by a tick as a child, but also in the fall of 2021, about a year previously. I hadn’t thought much about it, since many of my symptoms had started about 10 years previously, but they had gotten worse over the last year. I had Covid in the fall of 2021, so I just assumed that was why my symptoms were worse. We completed my labs, but again, I really didn’t think that's what was going on. I was surprised when Sasha told me I was positive for Lyme. I finally had my answers.

Treatment for Lyme Disease

I started a 21-day treatment of Doxycycline and cut out gluten, sugar, and dairy for 30 days. About two weeks into the treatment, I noticed a reduction in joint pain. By the end of the treatment, I felt better than I had felt in a long time. I called myself “80%” better. I still had a lot of fatigue and brain fog at times, but the best part was that my joint pain was almost completely gone!

Since then, I’ve had many ups and downs. I’m currently going through an intensive 4-month treatment of pulsing high levels of antibiotics while practicing detoxing protocols to try to get rid of my remaining symptoms. I realize that PTLD (post-treatment Lyme disease) may be lifelong, but my quality of life is much better than it could have been.

Reflecting on the domino effect of my situation

I stop to reflect on what my life might be like at this point if Sasha hadn’t suggested a Lyme test. I believe I would most likely have needed to retire early and I would be in daily pain. I think about the domino effect of that. It would have negatively affected my relationships, company, clients, community and the lives of everyone around me. I’m grateful to Sasha, to my mom, and to God for intervening. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to tell them how grateful I am, but I’ll sure try!

As I continue on my health journey, this is what I have learned.

Advocate for yourself- You know your body best. If you believe something is wrong, don’t stop looking for answers until you find the answers that help you get well. The rheumatologist wasn’t a bad doctor and I know she did her best with the knowledge and experiences she had. She just didn’t have the answers for me. If I would have stopped there, I’d be in a much worse place today.

Root Cause- Our company, Two Roads Wellness Clinic, focuses on the root cause of illness and doesn’t just treat the symptoms. I believe because of this philosophy in treatment, we ask questions and continue to dig until we find the answers. Don’t settle for treating symptoms. It’s not normal to be in pain or sick. When we feel “off”, our body is saying, “something is wrong!” Pay attention and treat the root cause.

Prevention is Key- If we can prevent illness by living a healthy lifestyle and focus on what we can control, it will minimize our suffering and disease.

Health is a journey- I know what a healthy lifestyle looks like, but I don’t always do what's the best thing for my body or mind all the time.. Sometimes it's 2 steps forward and 1 step back. The important thing is that we keep moving forward. I’ll continue to do the things I need to do to feel my healthiest and be my best for myself and others.

If you want support for your health

If you want support for your health, please reach out to us at Two Roads Wellness Clinic. We’re here for you!

About Two Roads Wellness Clinic

At Two Roads Wellness Clinic, we want to help you find the path that makes a difference in your life. We’re an integrative health clinic offering a vast array of services including, mental health treatments such as EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing), expressive arts therapy, family therapy, medication management, primary care, integrative nutritional support including genetic nutritional counseling, life coaching, massage therapy, physical therapy, infrared sauna services, community education and outreach, and more.

The Two Roads Wellness Clinic team of therapists, medical and nutrition staff, massage therapists, life coaches, physical therapists, and emotional support animals are ready to help you find an integrated approach to your wellness. To schedule an appointment, visit our contact page, to get started at one of our convenient locations in Champaign, Danville, or Mahomet.


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