Welcome to our Health and Wellness Blog!

All the flowers
of all the tomorrows
are in the seeds of today.
-Chinese Proverb
How to Make Real New Year’s Goals
Many of us are ready for a new year. 2020 is behind us and we are not sad about it! There are a lot of things we would like to leave behind from this past year, but there may also be some lessons learned and wisdom gained that we would like to carry into this new year as well. January is often seen as the big “reset”. We are inundated with advertisements for decreasing weight, exercising more, reorganizing our homes and lives, and setting new goals. Choosing a “word of the year” is quite popular as well and while some of this may be inspiring, it can also feel old, exhausting, or out of reach.
Coping with Grief During the Holidays
The holidays feel different for each person among us during a normal year. Gatherings, gifts, memories, and traditions come with expectation and joy for some, and stress, anxiety, and pain for others. Sometimes it can be a mixture of both! This year brings a new brand of “different” for many as we navigate the holidays with a myriad of changes to what we consider normal. Anytime we experience the loss of what we once knew, feelings of grief are bound to follow.
Grief is oftentimes associated solely with death, but any loss in our lives can evoke grief and it is important that we listen to those feelings and allow them to have their place. Suppressed grief will find a way to make itself known and as difficult as it may feel, grief serves a purpose.
Using Gratitude to Cope with COVID-19
This is traditionally a season of being thankful for all that we have. But gratitude might feel hard to come by these days, when all of us are fed up with COVID, quarantines, and social distancing, and when many of us may not get to see our families this Thanksgiving. But gratitude is a powerful tool that can train our mind to look at the positive (something we could likely all use right now).
Use Reframing to Ease Anxiety
Many of us are feeling like we don’t have a lot of control right now over what’s going on in our nation and our world. When we start to feel this way, it can bring on feelings of depression and anxiety. To feel this way is normal and OK. We first want to validate your feelings and let you know that it’s OK to feel however you’re feeling.
We don’t want to leave you there though.
Back to School
Back to school. Three words we hear every August, yet they feel so different this year. It is safe to say most students, teachers, and parents are facing a school year that looks a little…okay a lot different than most! Many are feeling frustrated, overwhelmed and experiencing a general lack of control over many decisions and outcomes for this school year. With all the changes, challenges and unknowns this year holds we are left with a lot of decision making that we have likely not had to face in the past.
Coping With Corona: 7 Tips and Tools
Let’s face it. This has been hard. All of our lives have been changed drastically. This has been for many a challenging time of adjustment. A time like this can create a great deal of stress, fear, and even depressive or anxiety symptoms. However, there ARE some things we can do to navigate the rest of this time effectively and maintain our overall well-being.
“Good Enough” Can Be the New Norm
Learn to accept your new level of productivity, whatever that is. Being a good enough worker, a good enough mom, good enough faculty, good enough therapist, good enough teacher, good enough cleaner, good enough whatever you are is enough.
Daily Gratitude During COVID-19
As all of us sit and think, “How will I pay my bills?” “Who will watch my children?” or “What if I lose my job?” gratitude seems to be the last thing that comes to mind. Truthfully, gratitude or “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness”, is what we need to think about most during these times of uncertainty.
Telehealth— Why It’s Your New BFF!
Thanks to modern technology, you don’t have to miss your therapy session. You don’t have to venture out of your home to “see” our team members at your regularly scheduled time through the option of Telehealth. Many are scared off thinking “I’m not technology savvy” or “It’s awkward and I won’t like it.” So let’s be open minded and explore a little about Telehealth…
But I’m Just a Receptionist…
As individuals we may look at the uncertainty that we see happening around the world and feel anxious about being away from home so we dismiss the importance of our work but we need to remember what a vital role we play. Support personnel make up a huge portion of society and help the world stay organized and on track, even in the most trying of times.
Nature: the new prescription for your mental health
Researchers across the globe are finding time spent in nature can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and can uplift our mood. In fact, spending time outside has been shown to reduce the body’s production of cortisol, a well-known stress hormone, and even to lower blood pressure, slow cognitive decline, and boost immunity. A study conducted at Stanford found walking in nature had the power to reduce activity in the brain’s prefrontal cortex—a region associated with rumination, worry, and depression.
Simple steps to truly help boost self-confidence
Let’s face it. Most of us struggle in the area of self-confidence at one time or another. Possible contributors are negative relationships, overly competitive friends or coworkers, insensitive posts on social media, a difficult upbringing or even a great upbringing. Maybe you just don’t feel like enough sometimes, for whatever reason. Yes, most people have some faith in themselves, but we could all use some improvement from time to time. Here are some tips to get you started.
Don’t let eating-disorder shame keep you from getting the help you need.
February 26 through March 4 marks this year’s Eating Disorder Awareness Week. We at Two Roads Wellness Clinic want to raise awareness and help eliminate the stigma and shame that often accompany this illness. Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder and are often clouded in confusion for both the sufferers and their loved ones.
Unplug and experience life (right after you read this post)
In a time when we can find out what's going on in the world, who ate what for dinner, who’s dating who and see the latest pictures of someone's exciting vacation all with the click of a button, it’s hard to imagine any down side to social media. Social media keeps us connected not only to people we see on a regular basis but those who we don’t. Social media also allows us to be engaged with online communities. However, despite the lightning-fast speed that we can receive information there can be some downsides to our mental health.